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5 steps to help mummies gain their confidence back!

Updated: Apr 23, 2022

Are you ready to start feel amazing and appreciate your body RIGHT NOW?

Not tomorrow. Not next week. But right at this very moment?

You might think you have to wait “until” before you can feel truly confident. That can mean waiting until you:

  • Finally reach a certain weight

  • Fit into your “goal” jeans

  • Get your hair/nails done

  • Finish up your latest “detox” plan

Body confidence (also called body positivity) means shedding the weight of all those external pressures to achieve a certain “look” or the ideal body.

It means appreciating and loving yourself for being uniquely YOU, as you are right now in this moment!

In this blog we’re going to go over actionable steps you can take TODAY, to start feeling more confident about yourself almost immediately!

Remember – you’re perfectly “you” ... just the way you are!


This first step is on the list is WATCH YOUR WORDS because it can take some retraining – both in how you talk to yourself and also with others.

Take some time over the next few days to really listen to the words you use when

you talk to – or about – yourself!

Is your inner voice encouraging or critical? Does it notice all of the good things and things you love about yourself? Or are you focused on the negative and things you don't like?

One of the most important things you can do is learn to shut down your inner critic and redirect it to notice your POSITIVE traits.


You might not realize it when it’s happening, but your social media feed(s) can

play a bigger role than you think in your confidence, self-esteem, and mood.

Studies have shown that the quality of your online interactions have a profound impact on your mood – as well as feelings of worthlessness!

Seeing a constant barrage of posts and images that make you feel like you don’t measure up ... and it can leave a mark on your self-confidence and mental health.

People who have negative interactions online are significantly more likely to have

symptoms of depression.


Do your health and fitness goals feel more like a punishment or something you “need to get through,” instead of an empowering activity that you look forward to?

If you do, then it’s time to create better goals that ADD value and energy to your life!

Find activities that motivate you, that you enjoy. Find a friend who is looking to make a change themselves. If you continue to set goals around activities that don't excite or motivate you, then you will set yourself up for failure!


Have you ever heard the saying that you are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with?

Researchers actually believe it’s even more than five that have an influence over your life – your confidence, aspirations, and more.

Take some time to think about the people you spend the most time with, at home, work, online, or socially.

Are they supportive? Do they help you feel better about yourself, and vice versa?

Or are you trapped in a negative loop where you always find yourself feeling drained or defensive around them?

Or just as bad ... do you feel like you have to say negative things about yourself simply because they are always saying negative things about themselves?

Sometimes just having an awareness of how you feel after spending time with certain

people can help protect you from negativity. It might even take a conversation to turn things around!

Feeling confident isn’t something that will happen overnight. In fact, it can be a

lifelong learning process.

It’s a DECISION you make.

When you feel confident, you feel empowered to step outside your comfort zone … which can lead to a more full and meaningful life filled with possibilities.

This allows you to express and become the best and truest version of YOU. One that is authentic, genuine, and unapologetic.

The world needs YOU. The REAL you. The CONFIDENT you.

All my love

Claire xx

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